Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Treatment Hospitalization Program

The Adolescent intensive Program is an after-school day hospital pro­gram targeting adolescents ages 12 through 17. This program offers a complete psychiatric and psychosocial evaluation, occupational therapy assessment, family therapy, nursing support and, if necessary, pharmacotherapy. The patients par­ticipate in a variety of groups, including occupational therapy, problem solving, and behavioral psychotherapy. Each adolescent has an individual therapist. Family members are also involved in treatment through weekly family therapy meetings. Socialization and recreation therapies round out the treatment.
Category: Health Services
Support: Fully Supported
Location: Johns Hopkins Bayview Based
Street Address: na
Contact: Brenda Memel
Phone: (410) 550-7173
Internal Department: Child and Adolescent Community Psychiatry Services, JHM Bayview Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Email: na
Phone: (410) 550-0104
Keywords: after school
adolescent therapy