Expanded School Mental Health Program

Expanded School Mental Health Program (Formerly the School-Based Mental Health Services) is located at various southeast Baltimore public schools. Therapists based in these schools work closely with school and county staff to provide individual, family and group counseling as well as crisis intervention for children and families. The team can make referrals for testing and further treatment. The multi-disciplinary professional team includes a child psychiatrist who goes to each school for scheduled medication consultations. The team also works with individual schools to address their specific mental health needs. Children and their families must have Medical Assistance or be eligible for it.
Category: Health Services
Support: Logistically Supported
Personnel [Staff] Supported
Location: School Based
Street Address: na
Website: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/bayview/medical_services/child_adolescent/school-based.html
Contact: Anastasia Kezar, Program Supervisor
Email: akezar@jhmi.edu
Phone: (410) 550-1035
Internal Department: JHBMC Community Psychiatry Program (CPP)
Email: na
Phone: (410) 550-0104
Keywords: support groups
family therapy
after school
Baltimore city