NIEHS Center in Urban Environmental Health Community Outreach and Education Core (COEC)

At the crux of the Center’s philosophy on community-based research is that educa­tion is a critical and essential component of this process. COEC is an extension of this philosophy. Accordingly, COEC seeks to establish partnerships with credible community agencies so as to create the opportunity to respond to specific concerns identified by community leaders and residents. These types of effective partnerships generate mutually beneficial relationships and assure positive outcomes through the translation of information and outcomes from the Center’s Research Foci and Facility Cores into educational programs, into knowledge applied to public health and environmental health policy.
Category: Health Resources
Support: Fully Supported
Location: Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Based
Street Address: na
Contact: Barbara Bates-Hopkins
Phone: 410-502-5651
Internal Department: JHU SOPH Center in Urban Environmental Health
Email: na
Phone: (410) 955-3720
Keywords: research
environmental exposure