Mental Illness and Substance Abuse (MISA)

The Mental Illness and Substance Abuse (MISA) treatment team provides services to persons who have both mental health and substance abuse problems. MISA is a drug-free, abstinence based program. The team is particularly skilled in help­ing people with serious and persistent mental illness that also experience difficulty due to alcohol or drug abuse/dependence. Case management services are available. Individual and group psychotherapy, as well as urine screens, are a core part of the treatment structure. The team will coordinate treatment services with the psychiat­ric rehabilitation teams at the Adult Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program for many of the MISA patients.
Category: Health Services
Support: Fully Supported
Location: Johns Hopkins Bayview Based
Street Address: 5500 E. Lombard St., Baltimore MD 21224
Contact: Dawn Stoner
Email: na
Phone: (410) 550-2995
Internal Department: Substance Abuse Services, JH Bayview Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Email: na
Phone: (410) 550-0026
Keywords: mental illness
substance abuse
case management