Case Management Unit

The Case Management Unit undertakes intensive case management services for individuals 16 years and older who are on Medical Assistance and have major men­tal illnesses. Staffed by a psychotherapist, eight community support specialists, two outreach workers, and an administrative assistant, the team provides services in cooperation with numerous community agencies and organizations. They provide education, crisis intervention, community support development, needs assess­ments, personalized service plans, and consumer advocacy. In addition, they facili­tate and coordinate individual access to psychiatric care.
Category: Health Services
Support: Fully Supported
Location: Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Based
Street Address: na
Contact: JHU Center for Social Concern
Phone: (410) 516-4777
Internal Department: East Baltimore Mental Health Partnership, JHM Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: (410) 955-5212
Keywords: mental illness
young adults
16 years and older