Black Mental Health Alliance

Johns Hopkins’ Office of Diversity and Cultural Competence entered into a partnership and consortium which will work together to carry out the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Recovery Community Services Program. The grant proposal, titled “The Phoenix Project,” targets young African American men in Baltimore City who: have a history of substance use or mental illness; are involved in the criminal justice system; are veterans; or are estranged from their families and/or dependent children. The goal of the project is to help men in various stages of recovery to 1) prevent relapse, and 2) to help them prog­ress toward life-long recovery, and ultimately sobriety. The idea of the project is to help African American men “Arise as the Phoenix” from the ashes, and experience healing, hope and change.
Category: Health Services
Support: Logistically Supported
Personnel [Staff] Supported
Location: Community Based
Street Address: 1734 Maryland Ave. Baltimore,Md 21201
Contact: Jan Desper, Executive Director
Phone: (410) 338-2642
Internal Department: JH School of Nursing
Phone: (410) 614-5312
Keywords: substance abuse
mental illness
African American